std::from_range, std::from_range_t

< cpp‎ | ranges
Ranges library
Range access
Range conversions
Range primitives

Dangling iterator handling
Range concepts

Range factories
Range adaptors
Range generators
Range adaptor objects
Range adaptor closure objects
Helper items
(until C++23)(C++23)

Defined in header <ranges>
struct from_range_t { explicit from_range_t() = default; };
(since C++23)
inline constexpr std::from_range_t from_range {};
(since C++23)

std::from_range is a disambiguation tag that can be passed to the constructors of the suitable containers to indicate that the contained member is range constructed.

The corresponding type std::from_range_t can be used in the constructor's parameter list to match the intended tag.

See also

constructs a new non-view object from an input range
(function template)