
< cpp‎ | locale
Localizations library
Locales and facets
Facet category base classes
ctype facets
numeric facets
collate facets
time facets
monetary facets
messages facets
Character classification and conversion
Character classification
Code conversion facets
C locale
Defined in header <locale>
template< class CharT >
class collate;

Class std::collate encapsulates locale-specific collation (comparison) and hashing of strings. This facet is used by std::basic_regex and can be applied, by means of std::locale::operator(), directly to all standard algorithms that expect a string comparison predicate.


Inheritance diagram


The standard library is guaranteed to provide the following specializations (they are required to be implemented by any locale object):

Defined in header <locale>
std::collate<char> implements lexicographical ordering of byte strings
std::collate<wchar_t> implements lexicographical ordering of wide strings

Member types

Member type Definition
char_type CharT
string_type std::basic_string<CharT>

Member functions

constructs a new collate facet
(public member function)
destructs a collate facet
(protected member function)
invokes do_compare
(public member function)
invokes do_transform
(public member function)
invokes do_hash
(public member function)

Member objects

static std::locale::id id
id of the locale
(public member object)

Protected member functions

compares two strings using this facet's collation rules
(virtual protected member function)
transforms a string so that collation can be replaced by comparison
(virtual protected member function)
generates an integer hash value using this facet's collation rules
(virtual protected member function)


#include <locale>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
int main()
    std::vector<std::wstring> v = {L"ar", L"zebra", L"\u00f6grupp",
                                   L"Zebra", L"\u00e4ngel",
                                   L"\u00e5r", L"f\u00f6rnamn"};
    std::wcout << "Default locale collation order: ";
    std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
    for (auto s : v)
        std::wcout << s << ' '; std::wcout << '\n';
    std::wcout << "English locale collation order: ";
    std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), std::locale("en_US.UTF-8"));
    for (auto s : v)
        std::wcout << s << ' '; std::wcout << '\n';
    std::wcout << "Swedish locale collation order: ";
    std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), std::locale("sv_SE.UTF-8"));
    for (auto s : v)
        std::wcout << s << ' '; std::wcout << '\n';


Default locale collation order: Zebra ar förnamn zebra ängel år ögrupp
English locale collation order: ängel ar år förnamn ögrupp zebra Zebra
Swedish locale collation order: ar förnamn zebra Zebra år ängel ögrupp

See also

lexicographically compares two strings using this locale's collate facet
(public member function of std::locale)
represents the system-supplied std::collate for the named locale
(class template)